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Retina is the innermost light sensitive layer of the eye which converts the light entering the eye and focusing upon it, into electrical impulses which are sent to the brain via the optic nerve. There, these impulses are interpreted as an image.
Retinal detachment, as the name suggests, is said to occur if the retina detaches from other layers of the eye.
Patients complain of sudden painless loss of vision which may affect a part or the whole of the visual field. This may progress from partial to complete loss of vision if not treated. In very severe cases, not only vision, but even the shape of the eye can be affected.
There are 3 main types of retinal detachments (RDs):
The treatment of RDs is most often surgical and needs to be done at the earliest to get best possible visual results. For as long as the retina is detached, its circulation and nutrition are compromised, so the longer the duration of the detachment, the poorer the visual result. By various techniques, the retina is replaced in its original position and then held there. The patient may need to maintain a certain position for some time after the surgery. Many times more than one surgery may be required especially if oil is injected in the eye.
At PNRF, Dr Manoj Saxena has more than 20 years of experience in VR surgery. He has performed these technically demanding retinal detachment surgeries using the most modern minimally invasive vitreous surgery (MIVS) in over a 1000 patients. MIVS is done using fine (25 &27 gauge) instruments which eliminate the need for stitches and hospital stay. He is one of the pioneers of advanced 25G vitreous surgery in Western U.P.