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We are Prakash Netralaya & Retina Foundation
The surface of the eye which is exposed to the environment is constantly kept wet by a thin layer of tears. These tears are produced by a small gland in the outer part of the upper eyelid. Every time we blink, the eye is coated with a thin layer of tears. Excess secretion occurs to flush out any dust or foreign particle which comes in our eyes, and also in response to certain emotions, as we all know!
An inadequate amount of tear secretion or disturbance in the tear composition results in the condition known as dry eye. Patients complain of burning sensation, foreign body sensation and redness. The condition is more common in ladies over the age of 45 and in certain syndromes. Treatment is with certain lifestyle changes and lubricant eye drops. If possible, the underlying cause is treated. Severe cases may result in corneal opacities and loss of vision.